My Loved One Just Came Out as Transgender – Now What?

My Loved One Just Came Out as Transgender – Now What?

It’s a tough time in the world to come out as transgender – the world’s a shitty place in a lot of ways. There are a lot of fears involved in coming out to your family and loved ones – and there’s statistically a good chance someone you know has those fears about coming out. I’m going to talk about some ways that people I love handled my coming out to them and ways that I wished others had been better, and hopefully, that will help you to be good to the ones you love.

Be A Good Person Before You Know

The first thing you can do to help support your transgender loved ones, coworkers and acquaintances is to not be a shitty person all the time. Before I came out, there were people who assumed I was a cis male and they made terrible homophobic and transphobic remarks. I wish I could say I was always brave enough to speak up and say “That’s not kind or appropriate,” but it wasn’t really the culture for me to speak up against higher ups. So, when I finally let some coworkers in on my secret after I left, I sure as hell didn’t let them in on it.

There’s no “safe space” for bigotry and hate. You can’t make the off-hand transphobic joke because “it’s just us here, no one will mind.” You do not know which co-workers or friends or family aren’t out yet. And chances are if they know you make those kinds of comments you’re probably not going to need the rest of this guide because they’re not going to come out to you. And if they’re important to you, that’s going to drive them away eventually.

React with Love

The first and foremost thing someone needs when they come out to you is love – however you express it in your relationship. It may be different for others, but for me when I was uncertain how someone would react I first worried whether our relationship would survive. Coming out as transgender to loved ones is harrowing when you’re unsure or definitely sure they’ll react poorly. To this day I still haven’t come out to my mom and step-dad because I know that’s going to be a defining moment for the rest of our relationship.

So for example, if your spouse comes out to you – the first thing you should do before making any other statements is tell them how much you love them. Let them know that they’re important to you and that they still have you. I was lucky that my wife’s reaction was unsurprisingly and overwhelmingly positive. I talked to them during my questioning though, so I was not surprised when I finally came out that they were there for me.

Remember It’s Not About You

When someone comes out to you, don’t make all your interactions about your questions/curiosities about being transgender, their body, or their transition plans unless they’ve opened the door for you to do so. It’s also important to remember they can close that door at any time and you need to respect it. Trans people don’t exist for your education. There are plenty of resources on Google that you can use and you can (politely) ask questions on /r/AskTransgender.

If you’re in a romantic relationship with this person, there’s definitely going to be time for questions about how things might change or stay the same in your relationship. Give your partner some space to first say their peace about what they want you to know. Go very slowly with logistics questions and don’t overwhelm them all at once. Offer any help or support they need right now. They will come to you if they need help with presenting or making transition plans. But remember this is their body, their life, and their journey – not yours.

Don’t Put Pressure on Them to Present

Coming out as transgender is a difficult step even with the most supportive friends and family. One of the most important things to learn is that YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PRESENT IN ORDER TO BE VALID. So don’t tell your loved one to put on more masculine/feminine/andro clothes or to wear more or less makeup. Every day that person is transgender. There’s no modifier to that sentence. They’re still transgender if they haven’t shaved, if they don’t put on makeup, if they’re not wearing their binder, if they’re wearing their old clothes, or if they don’t make any changes at all. Some people can’t, some people don’t want to do any of that – and that’s OK.

Having family support in this area is crucial – I have sat and cried many times because my brain says things like “Maybe if I just put on makeup more often, people would misgender me less and stop using my old name.” It’s simply not true. Make a point to show your loved one that they’re valid by recognizing their gender in your everyday circumstances.


Respect Pronouns and New Names

Strangers may flub pronouns, but typically if the only name they know a trans person by is their new name (if they have one, you don’t have to change your name) then they don’t struggle with it. Family and long-term friends, however – may struggle a lot with a new name and pronouns. I get it – you’ve known this person a very long time and you’ve always called them Diane. But Diane has come out to you, and wants to be called Jeff and use “he/him/his” pronouns. When you look at Jeff, your mind automatically thinks “That’s Diane,” and so in casual conversation, it’s easy to slip back into calling Jeff by his old name (or dead name, as it’s sometimes called).

This varies from person to person, but typically it’s easy for me to forgive people who knew me by my old name for a long time, especially if it’s a slip-up. I have a real hard time with folks who don’t at least try. It’s very invalidating and it crushes my self-esteem when someone I care about doesn’t recognize my gender or preferred name on purpose.

I’m Gonna Fuck This Up, I Just Know It

Several friends immediately offered an advance apology, saying they know they’ll probably forget and slip up but it’s not intentional. I’m well aware. So what’s a cis person to do when someone you’ve known a long time comes out and you don’t want to disrespect them but you’ve slipped up right in front of them? Don’t call unnecessary attention to it. A simple in-the-moment “he – oops, I mean her” or something is probably fine but talk to your loved one and find out what they prefer.

I definitely don’t want to experience the mortification of a friend verbally and ritualistically flaying themselves over a little mistake that calls more attention to me than the mistake did. Maybe you and your loved one can come up with a code or a look that basically means “I know I fucked up, I’m sorry” that doesn’t call attention to it.

Just put in effort. Putting in the effort to call someone by their new name and use their preferred pronouns is easy, and it’s a simple way to show someone you love them.

Offer to Go With Them

It’s definitely not a safe time, in any part of the world, to come out as transgender and present in public. But even in relatively safe situations, it can be daunting to go out in public presenting true to oneself. If and when the time comes, offer to go with them. It could be as simple as a trip to get gas or go grocery shopping. If you’re dining out with friends, and you share a gender with your loved one, offer to go with them to the bathroom.

Having someone to go with means others will hopefully automatically pick up on preferred pronouns, they’ll have a feeling of safety and familiarity, and they’ll have support in case they need it. If your loved one is already dealing with anxiety or depression, everyday outings while presenting can be a damned nightmare.

Listen to and Encourage Them

If you’re not transgender, the best thing you can do to support and be a good ally is to close your mouth and listen. Transgender voices are important, special, and they are too often drowned out by cisgender people talking over them about what’s the best thing for them. So if your loved one is telling you about their experiences, listen to them. Validate them. Let them feel their emotions and don’t stifle them.

Secondly, we need more transgender creators and makers in this world. Encourage any creative or artistic endeavors they might be interested in. You’ll likely see them light up inside to see their creativity nourished. Spend your money on media and art created by trans people. Show your loved ones that you want them to succeed.

Grow With Them

Transition, whether physical or not, can bring about a lot of changes in a transgender person. For me, some traditionally feminine things were (falsely) off the table for me when I thought I was a cis man. During the time I was questioning and figuring things out, I realized that my genitals had nothing to do with what kind of music I liked, or which colors I was allowed to say were my favorite. So while not every new favorite color and new taste in music have to do with their realized true gender, some things might have been their tastes all along and now they feel free to embrace it.

This can be tough on friends and family, because it feels like getting to know someone all over again. It’s the same for us – we’re just getting to know ourselves for the first time, or just getting to finally be ourselves for the first time. Since you love them, be supportive instead of criticizing. If you don’t like that your buddy loves Nicki Minaj now, well you just have terrible taste in music.

Remember that this is the same person you’ve always loved. They are changing in some ways, but what makes them the person you love should be the same. You wouldn’t be here reading this guide if you didn’t care about them. Be a good person, own your mistakes, and love them like you always have.


Was this guide helpful? Do you have any tips you wish your family and friends had when you came out to them? Is there anything you wish you’d known or done differently when your loved one came out to you? Let me know in the comments. I’ll update this guide with the most useful and thoughtful tips. 🙂

Facebook Real Name Policy Hurts Transgender People

Facebook Real Name Policy Hurts Transgender People

I’m in a situation that’s not very unique or a one-off use case: I’m a transgender woman who is not out to everyone I know on Facebook yet. Before realizing I was trans, I built a Facebook profile full of memories, friends, photos, and status updates as a cis man. As I came out to myself and others, I’ve started changing my chat “nickname” to Zöe, but I dare not post any photos of myself in girl mode for fear of fucking up the privacy settings and outing myself to everyone all at once.

Now, I’m out to almost everyone except a few very conservative long-time friends and my biological mother and step father. I thought maybe I could skirt having to out myself to use Facebook with reckless abandon by creating a NEW account. Should be easy, right? NOPE.

Facebook’s Real Name Policy Sucks

There are several use cases in which Facebook’s real name policy is just absolutely broken. When the service first started, way back in the only accessible to colleges and universities days, you’d have any old internet ass clown with Juggalo Bin Laden as his name, and a bottle of Fanta as his profile pic. Now, however, Facebook requires that you use your legal name and photos featuring yourself as a profile picture. I know for a fact that neither is unilaterally enforced, and typically only enforced when someone is reported. BUT – there’s more to it then that.

Facebook’s servers use algorithms involving facial recognition, word banks, and your detected IP address to tell if you have a spam / fraudulent / suspicious account. If you try to create a new Facebook account from your home network and your profile pic has your face in it and you pick a name like Lazarus Thundercunt, you’re going to see your account immediately disabled and they’ll ask you to send in a photo ID to prove that’s your real name.

The reason that’s problematic for legitimate users like me is that I have not legally changed my name to my preferred name. It’s still my dead name. For abuse survivors, they may not have legally changed their names, but may need to use a pseudonym for safety purposes.

Suggested Friends May Out You

Another problem with Facebook for trans people is that there is literally no option to disable suggesting you as a friend to people you may know. Case in point: When I created my account I adjusted every privacy setting they have and blocked every single person I explicitly didn’t want to know I was trans, but left everyone else unblocked. If I had not taken these steps, Facebook would have automatically outed me to everyone. I wasn’t using my dead name or my last name, but my profile picture was enough that a middle school friend of mine added my new account. He was cool, so I didn’t mind. But it could’ve been so much worse.

How did he find me? We’re mutual Facebook Friends with my wife and there was no way I was unfriending her on my new account.

In reaction, I changed my profile pic thinking anyone who doesn’t know my new name wouldn’t be able to tell it was me. But then the next day Facebook disabled my account and asked for me to send a photo ID. Facebook needs to fix this shit.

A Few Possible Solutions

If this has happened to you, or you’re just intent on making sure your new Facebook account doesn’t get auto-banned, here’s a few things you can try to establish an entirely separate account:

  • Connect to a VPN service like Private Internet Access or TunnelBear (or a free service, if you like) and that will disguise your source IP address so it doesn’t seem like you’re connecting from your home.
  • Sign up with a complete and legitimate sounding name typical of your locale.
  • Use a profile pic with a human face, but not yours and not someone famous. Free stock photos are easy to find on the internet.
  • Be weary of who you add and who they are friends with, as friend suggestions may try to connect you with someone who doesn’t need to find you.
  • Be weary of which posts you comment on and like, lest those mutual friends also come to your profile to see who you are.
  • Set every privacy setting to as private as you can while still letting friends view content.
  • I don’t condone fraud, but if forced to send a copy of your photo ID to Facebook, they’ve been reportedly known to not glance twice at cleanly photoshopped driver’s licenses and passports.
  • BONUS TIP: It’s also been reported that sending a message through your original Facebook account to Facebook Help explaining your situation could get you a resolution / exclusion to the real name policy.

Facebook, fix your shit. And every other website where there’s not a preferred / display name option. It’s just fields in a database. Add an extra column and let folks put what they want their names to show as. You have a space for married women to show their maiden names, but it still shows their legal names. Transgender folks need to be able to use their chosen names even before legally changing them. Name changes cost money and time in legal red tape, which is prohibitive to people without means. In some cases, it can put those people at risk for their personal safety.